The Skeleton Twins is a drama-comedy film, directed by Craig Johnson to a screenplay written by Johnson together with Mark Heyman. It stars Bill Hader, Kristen Wiig and Luke Wilson. Part observation, part commentary, The Skeleton Twins follows that dysfunctional unit we like to call a family. More particularly, the film highlights a bond between two sibling who drifted apart years before, and suddenly find themselves together again.
Like with most relationships, Milo (wonderfully played by Bill Hader,) the gay brother, and Maggie (an authentic Kristen Wiig,) the self-conflicted sister, share both comic moments as well as plenty of drama; let alone the skeletons each hides in their respective closet. And even though their tale is unique to their specific circumstances, through it, occasionally, we get a glimpse into our own drama.
I found the film, as a whole, to be highly uneven; some scenes feeling sincere and engaging while others appear to be more of a patchwork to move the plot along. More than anything else, what holds the story together, are the performances of both Wiig and Hader which are quite good. I would not suggest rushing to the cinema to see The Skeleton Twins, but it is not a bad choice if one feels like submerging himself into a family drama that includes also several funny moments.