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Why RonenRecommends? Why not?
But primarily for two reasons:
As a filmmaker and a film buff, friends often ask me to recommend films. Rather than sending individual emails, I figured I’ll blog films I watch, new and old, seen on the large and small screens, by projection, streaming and DVD...
I keep my reviews short. These days very few of us have the patience and/or time to read a long film review. We want the bottom line. Is this film worth my time? Inspired by these reasons, my love for the medium and for writing, came to be. 

p.s. suggestions and comments are welcomed. Click here to contact Ronen.

p.p.s. my reviews are available for syndication. Contact me for more information. 

Ronen Divon has a BA in Filmmaking from the School of Visual Arts in New York City.
In the mid 90’s Ronen pioneered video streaming on the newly emerging world-wide-web, a direction which led him to explore the new media of the internet. An entrepreneur, Ronen created numerous business ventures, mostly online.

After residing in NY for twenty five years, Ronen moved to Cary, NC. He is married to Yael, a potter, an artist and an Art Therapist, and is a father of four children. His passions include writing stories (children and adult fiction e.g. and, scuba diving, and spiritualism. Ronen also teaches Yoga and Tai Chi (

Some of Ronen's short adult fiction can be read online at virtual bookshelf. You are also welcomed to read Ronen's personal blog.


Special thanks to Mohiuddin, Alvaro and Almaz for their help in bringing this site about. Additional thanks to the many filmmakers who enable this site by tirelessly producing movies. Despite some unfavorable critique I may have written, as someone once said (was it Billy Wilder?), and I am paraphrasing: every filmmaker deserves an Oscar for just finishing a film. It is such a labor that the mere effort is noteworthy.
And so long as I am on the thank-you note – thanks to my old college film professors including Gene Stavis, Howard Beckerman, Richard Pepperman, Manny Kirsheimer, Jennifer Fox and several others whose names escape me right now, but that were a source of inspiration. And to filmmakers and film-lovers I have had the pleasure of meeting and interacting with over the years, including Tzvika Oren, Dan and Edna Fainaro, Candy Kugel, Linda Simensky, Oren Moverman, Anthony Grasso, and the many others whose names and faces reside somewhere in the depth of my memory...

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