Top Five is a comedy-drama written and directed by Chris Rock, who also stars in the leading role. Additional cast members include Rosario Dawson, Gabrielle Union, J.B Smoove, and a whole lot of comedians such as Jerry Seinfeld, Adam Sandler and Whoopi Goldberg, to mention only a few.
Top Five tells the story of a famous NYC comedian turned film star, who tries to abandon comedy in favor of more serious roles, only to find out that his past character, friends and deeds will not easily let that happen.
It is an uneven film; part funny -- even very funny thanks to Rock’s sharp and well-timed delivery, part drama -- and very sincere at that, and part wishy-washy that feels like filler in between the other, better moments of the story.
The main issue Top Five is facing is that while it is not just comedy, the film ends up saying nothing memorable, thus becoming a parody on itself. Rock, whom I respect as a capable actor and filmmaker, inserts into Top Five plenty of small brilliant vignettes. Yet, I suspect that he would have done much better by choosing to make the story pure laughs or, instead, focus on delivering a more solid theme of man and his destiny. That being said, if you are a Rock fan you would still enjoy this film.