Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015) ***

Set about 30 years after Return of the Jedi, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, directed, co-produced, and co-written by J. J. Abrams, is the first part in a sequel-trilogy to the six previous installments. It is said that George Lucas originally toyed with the idea of a sequel-trilogy but then decided against it. Yet when Lucas sold Lucasfilm back in 2012 to Disney for just over $4 billion, the inclusion of the Star Wars franchise was obviously a big factor in Disney’s agreeing for the price; and with it the clear intent of rebooting the Star Wars cash machine.
There is nothing really wrong with The Force Awakens. It is skillfully written, perfectly directed, and masterfully executed. It is entertaining and, for the most part, quite engaging. The filmmakers strove for, and were successful, in obtaining a balance between the familiar and the new. Yet there is also something quite tiring about this film; an element that feels a little too contrived. And when it is all said and done, speaking for myself, I can state with clear conscious that unlike the original three episodes and some of the later prequels, Star Wars: The Force Awakens is completely forgettable. It is true that this film broke records at the box-office but I suspect it is not so much for what it had to offer but rather because of the strength of the brand Lucas himself already built into this epic. Who wouldn’t want to see what had become of their childhood heroes? Maybe Han Solo, Luke, Leia, C-3PO and R2-D2 should have been left to rest (and rust) in peace. But then again, since when is a goose that lays golden eggs allowed to retire in Hollywood?