Shrek Forever After (2010) ****

Shrek Forever AfterStarting with the bizarre star rating I gave this film: while I would give this animated flick no more than 3 stars, my kids gave it a close 5, so considering the target audience’s taste, 4 stars it is...
All in all Shrek Forever After delivers within expectations. It’s entertaining, with an occasional original idea, but mostly expected. And if you don’t get the story’s lesson (which means your skull must be as thick as an Ogre) Shrek will spell it out loud for you somewhere mid-film: “You don’t know what you have until it’s gone.” My personal opinion of it is that this is one corny lesson that can never be learned. But it works well as a theme in films so be it. Anyhow, between some very funny moments delivered by Donkey and Puss, you will survive...