ParaNorman, a hybrid of animation, zombie-horror and comedy, has its heart in the right place, even if its outcast theme is nothing new. The story follows a boy named Norman Babcock who is able to speak with the dead and thus considered a weirdo. Yet when an old curse cast on the town materializes, Norman alone can save the day. The film at its weakest moment tries too hard to make Norman an outcast to his friends and family; we get it – no need to shove it down our throats. But other than that, the story holds a nice balance between drama, kids-appropriate horror, and comedy. It contains a nice plot twist and is also able to create touchy moments at its climax, when Norman meets the witch.
Not being a fan of zombie and horror movies myself, I welcomed this opportunity to introduce my kids to this genre in a manner that left them inspired rather than scared. It is entertaining and quite well-made.