Some memories should be left untouched… As a youngster I remember Ladyhawke with a halo of mystery and mystic. Watching it again recently I felt the movie is mostly lame and outdated. The film has its moments of beauty and serenity but these are few and far between. While Rutger Hauer and Michelle Pfeiffer fit their roles well, Matthew Broderick is a poor choice for a character that needs connects and moved the plot. He is not a bad actor, just a mistype for the role. And then there is the music… While maybe appropriate for the 80’s, when this film was produced, it sounds so outdated today, to a point of creation a destruction.
If you have fond memories of this film, do yourself a favor and do not watch it again. My kids, on the other hand, did enjoy it, so some of the charm, apparently, is still there.